Below is the Registered Team list.
It is subject to change and will be updated periodically (not instantly). If you have registered but do not see your team on this list please email [email protected] immediately. Reminder: Your payment is required within 72 hours of registration to maintain your spot. It can be made via etransfer or in person at Aspen Insurance. |
Registered Teams: (Last update April 8th am)
1. Stoesz/Wiens
2. Bouchard/Sparrow 3. Gares/Wiens 4. Carefoot/Gibbs 5. Source for Sports 6. RE/MAX 7. McMunn & Yates 8. The Third Flighters (Connolly/Karlson) 9. MNP (Pernarowski/Porter) 10. Twin Motors 11. Dauphin Herald 12. Dean Cooley GM 13. Dauphin Ford 14. Parkland Sport & Marine 15. Low / Pickering 16. LPG - Yerama/Yerama 17. Grip It and Sip It (Toduruk/Scott) 18. Ripmeester/Davidson 19. Clayton/Spriggs 20. Steve / Jake 21. Carefoot / Fox 22. Scotswood (Tkachyk/Lemieux) 23. Lepla / Lepla 24. McMullen/VanAlstyne 25. Shaw/Shaw Sr 26. Cleave/Misener 27. Lyons Transmission Centre (Patsack/Baumung) 28. Cyr/Safronetz 29. Pangman/Pangman 30. Murray / Common 31. Farnsworth/Vendramin 32. Mosionier/Mosionier 33. Michaleski/Johnson 34. Heide/Heide 35. Smokey & the Bandit (Vendramin/Farnsworth Sr) 36. Vendramin/Hluchaniuk 37. Jewell / Carefoot 38. Cats Claws (Catagas/McKay) 39. Eastman/Diboll 40. Zaz x 2 (Zazuliak/Zazuliak) |
41. Heroux/Wojtowicz
42. Jacques/Turner 43. Love / Johnston 44. k and k (Schulzy/Hanke) 45. Prytula/Tyschinski 46. Team AOK 47. Morran/Kaminski 48. Kabel / Clement 49. Thiessen/Thiessen 50. Campbell/Campbell 51. Drysdale/Robak 52. James / Sutherland 53. Edgar/Edgar 54. Keesee (Burns/Bone) 55. Wiebe / Vanhumbeck 56. Scooter/Paziuk Waiting list 57. 58. Why be be on the Waiting list? Life changes... every year we have a team that has to back out for a variety of reasons. Occasionally, even a sponsor isn't able to fill their spot. Getting on the waiting list keeps you in line. Any teams on the waiting list will receive a full refund if they do not make it in. Refunds are not provided to teams that cancel unless we have a paid replacement team on the waiting list. Any questions can be emailed to [email protected] |